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Financial reporting

Centralise your Financial Reporting Securely Online

Elevate your XBRL reporting effortlessly with our online solution—no installation required. Preferred by regulated entities for smart, user-friendly financial reporting. Discover intelligent reporting solutions up close.

Who We Work With

Advanced Technology for your Financial Reporting Needs

ESMA icon
Regulated Entity

AQMetrics is officially authorised by ESMA and the FCA, ensuring constant regulatory compliance.

ISO 27001 Certified icon
ISO 27001 Certified

Our solution integrates information security at its core, we are ISO 27001 certified.

Backed by Experts

Our customer success team are the backbone of our service, providing unparalleled expertise and assistance.

Automated Regulatory Compliance Icon
Regulatory Change Ready

Adapting to regulatory reporting changes is built into our DNA, enabling seamless compliance across jurisdictions.

The Technology Solution for your XBRL & iXBRL Reporting Needs for Now and the Future

Designed for any entity mandated to file in XBRL or iXBRL, our solution offers XBRL conversion for a variety of reports and regulatory requirements across Europe and Asia, including but not limited to PIMD, FINREP, IFR/IFD, and ACRA in Singapore. With our service, Quarterly AUM, Monthly Metrics, and more are effortlessly managed.

Compliance Workflow

Upload and convert files to XBRL instantly for comprehensive Central Bank of Ireland reporting.

Data Security and Privacy

Ensure EBA reporting requirements are met with hassle-free XBRL conversion.

Multi Language Support icon

Simplify the creation, auditing, and collection of annual financial reports in ESEF or UKSEF formats.

Authorised and Regulated by ESMA and the FCA, and ISO 27001 Certified