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SEC’s 13D & 13G Filing Requirements: A Quick Guide to the 2024 Amendments


In a significant move that heralds a new era in securities regulation, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has amended the reporting rules for beneficial ownership under Sections 13(d) and 13(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

The amendments, announced in October 2023, bring about substantial changes to the filing deadlines for Schedule 13D and Schedule 13G, marking the first adjustment in nearly half a century. As part of our Emerging Regulations Watch series, we delve into the details of the SEC’s 13G and 13D amendments and analyze how they affect filings.


Accelerated Filing Deadlines

The amendments aim to expedite the availability of crucial information to investors by shortening the filing deadlines for both schedules. For Schedule 13D, the initial filing deadline is reduced from 10 calendar days to five business days after acquiring beneficial ownership exceeding five per cent. Amendments must now be filed within two business days of a material change.

For Schedule 13G, beginning September 30th 2024, the initial filing deadline is also reduced from 10 calendar days to five business days. Additionally, amendments must now be filed within 45 days following the calendar quarter-end, a departure from the previous requirement of 45 days after the year in which changes occurred.


Expanded Disclosures

The amendments also introduce enhanced disclosure requirements. Notably, in the case of Schedule 13D, investors must disclose interests in all derivative securities that use a covered class as a reference security.

Furthermore, the SEC has provided guidance on the inclusion of cash-settled derivatives in the calculation of beneficial ownership thresholds. The definition of group formation for beneficial ownership purposes has also been clarified.


Transition to Machine-Readable Language

In a significant move, the SEC has also introduced a transition to machine-readable language for 13D and 13G filings. This change is voluntary from December 2023 and becomes mandatory from December 2024. Filings must be submitted in XML format, enhancing data accessibility and analysis.


Preparing for Compliance

Market participants, including investors, legal professionals, and entities obligated to adhere to these filing obligations, should be mindful of the impending deadlines and make certain that their operational frameworks are modified to adhere to the updated regulations. The shift to machine-readable language may require alterations to reporting processes, underscoring the significance of early preparation for the compulsory enforcement slated for December 2024. For amended Schedule 13G filings, the revised deadlines commence on September 30, 2024. As for amended Schedule 13D filing deadlines and additional modifications, they take effect upon the final amendments, with a 90-day period following their publication in the Federal Register.



The SEC’s amendments indicate an increased focus on beneficial ownership reporting. The regulator has hinted at ongoing investigations, signalling potential future changes in this regulatory landscape. Market participants should stay vigilant, as the SEC continues to refine and strengthen its oversight in the realm of beneficial ownership reporting. The amendments underscore the SEC’s commitment to ensuring market integrity and highlight the evolving nature of securities regulation in response to the dynamics of the financial landscape.



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