
Scaling Regulated Firms Through the Use of Regulatory Technology

Our Director of Finance, Tricia McGrath shares how smart data management and utilisation of regulatory technology have prepared AQMetrics to scale without incurring deep regulatory risk and compliance labour costs.

As a regulated data reporting service provider. authorized and supervised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), AQMetrics have first-hand experience with the increasing demands for information from regulators.

As a result, we have adapted our own data management practices and use of regulatory technology. Starting internally, we were able to uplevel and automate risk and compliance processes to make sure we stay up to date with the ever-changing regulatory landscape.

Our Director of Finance, Tricia McGrath shares how smart data management and utilisation of regulatory technology have prepared AQMetrics to scale without incurring deep regulatory risk and compliance labour costs.

Watch our video setting out how AQMetrics itself has adapted, changed and evolved its data management practices and regulatory technology as it scales as a regulated data reporting service provider.

Topic: Using regulatory technology platforms to scale.

Presenter: Tricia McGrath, Director of Finance, AQMetrics.

Want to find out more?

Book a demo to learn more about how AQMetrics can transform your regulatory reporting.