
Insightful updates and expert analysis on regulatory compliance and risk management.

Regulatory Update: New Guidelines on the Compliance Function requirements under MiFID II

ESMA has recently published a consultation paper on the compliance function requirements that are set out in the revised Markets in Financial Instruments package under MiFID II.

How We Assess Regulatory Change

In this blog, we look at how we assess regulatory change. In our subsequent blogs we will look how this change is managed.

Updated Q&As From ESMA for Both AIFMD and UCITS.

On the 4 June 2019, ESMA published updated Q&As for both AIFMD and UCITS.

Making Data Automation Easy

At AQMETRICS we know that we need to offer flexibility to both large asset service providers and hedge funds alike across our applications.

AIFMD Amendments under a No-Deal Brexit

On 21 February the UK Treasury published its preparations for a no-deal Brexit called the Alternative Investment Fund Managers (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.

FCA: Due Date for Entrance to Temporary Permissions Regime Extended to 11/04

Policy Statement PS19/5sets out the rules for firms and operators, depositories and trustees of EEA-domiciled funds in the temporary permissions regime.

FCA and ESMA Statements on Shares Trading Obligations Under a No-Deal Brexit (STOs and Article 23 of MiFIR)

ESMA released a statement on the 19th March regarding the trading obligation for shares (under Article 23 of MiFID) in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

Making Ireland More Attractive to Private Equity

The Irish funds industry recently got a breakthrough in its efforts to establish Ireland as a European domicile for private equity funds.

Central Bank of Ireland Capital Markets Update

The Central Bank of Ireland has issued the third markets update of 2019 on 7th March this year.

Top 10 Takeaways from ALFI European Asset Management Conference 2019

Last week the ALFI European Asset Management Conference took place in Luxembourg.

ESMA Statement : No Deal Brexit Guidelines for MiFID II/MiFIR and BMR Provisions

ESMA issues astatementon its approach to MiFID II/MiFIR and Benchmark (BMR) provisions in the event of a No Deal Brexit.

Liquidity Stress Test Guidance for Investment Funds

The draft guidance is based on the stress testing requirements set out in Directive 2011/61/EU and on the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) 2018 set of recommendations to address liquidity and leverage risk in investment funds (the ESRB recommendations).

FCA Publishes MiFID II Guidelines for Hard Brexit

The FCA has published their expectations for firms, trading venues and ARMs under the MiFID II Transaction Reporting regime, in the event of a hard Brexit.

UCITS After Brexit

How will law in the UK affect UCITS funds after the 29th March 2019? This is the big question that none of us currently have the answer to.

Five Innovative Strategies for Resilient MiFID II Reporting

A look at five ways innovation can create a resilient MiFID II transaction reporting framework.

How to Prove Your UCITS fund is Not Index Hugging

The CBI investigations into UCITS funds have been sparked by concerns raised by the Paris based European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA).

MiFID II Reporting - A Year of Light and Shade

Following years of planning and implementation for MiFIR, it is time to pause and consider the lessons learned from the compliance process and the ongoing considerations in this evolving regulatory environment.

How the New Securitisation Regulation 2017/2402/EU Will Impact AIFMs and UCITS in 2019

Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 (Securitisation Regulation) introduces new internal monitoring and reporting challenges for institutional investors.

Data: Asset or Liability? Regulatory Compliance Innovation

In this series of blog posts, we explore how the next generation of intelligent regulatory reporting solutions are delivering insights far beyond their original purpose.

How to Turn Data into Diamonds - Regulatory Compliance Data Innovation

We explore intelligent regulatory reporting solutions and how the next generation ofsolutions are delivering insights far beyond their original purpose.

Effective Data Management in a Fragmented Market

Our recent conversations with compliance and risk managers at investment management firms have highlighted a common pain point, which is how to put in place the right kind of technology platform to cater for both existing and future regulations.