The Key to Regulatory Data Management for Fund Service Providers: Keeping data volumes and regulations in one place


Many fund service providers face ongoing challenges related to data quality assurance, information security and complex data-driven regulations. Fund service providers using our solution are not concerned about emerging and changing regulations, data quality assurance, scaling data volumes or information security as we at AQMetrics do the heavy lifting for them.


A more challenging environment

Data is both an asset and a liability. It is a double-edged sword for fund service providers. Managed well, it can cut through the competition. Managed poorly, it can lead to reputational damage. As regulatory complexity grows, fund service providers face more and more issues around data governance, privacy, security, and architecture. On top of this, regulatory data projects are time-consuming and resource-intensive. Data quality issues are broad and wide for fund service providers tasked with preparing regulatory data for their clients. Regulations are live today leaving no time for fund service providers to undertake multi-year transformation initiatives, or create modern applications and infrastructure, or build data loss prevention solutions. As a result, fund service providers are increasingly turning to regulatory technology partners to help deal with the ever-changing regulatory environment and the data management challenges it brings.


The Top Three Data Management Challenges

  1. Ever-growing data volumes. As data volumes continually rise, the prioritization of how data is managed and maintained as an asset is not keeping pace. Achieving a holistic view across the fund service provider’s entire data landscape is a significant challenge.
  2. Pace of regulatory change. The buy-side regulatory landscape is ever-shifting. The pace of regulatory change is a wicked problem for fund service providers and their clients alike. Varying multi-jurisdictional regulatory requirements can lead to data inconsistencies and reputational damage if not managed holistically.
  3. Cost and complexity of information security. The cost of assuring information security around regulatory data is rising exponentially but budgets for internal projects in this area are not prioritized and available to operational teams.


Addressing Data Management Challenges

Improve external collaboration.

Regulatory technology firms have been building regulatory data management solutions for fund service providers since the dawn of buy-side regulations. They have the intellectual property required by fund service providers. Fund service providers will benefit from collaborating with regulatory technology firms not only to solve today’s data management challenges but also to prepare for emerging regulations.


Manage rapid regulatory change.

Potential regulatory developments must always be considered when establishing a data management strategy. Well-established automated holistic data workflows can help fund service providers react quickly to regulatory requirements. This is exactly why fund service providers partner with regulatory technology providers to monitor and evaluate the impact of global regulations.


Use automated solutions.

Fully SaaS-native automated data management technology in the cloud opens a way for fund service providers to integrate new regulatory data sources and improve their ability to process regulatory information. Automated data classification is key and something that regulatory technology platforms have available out of the box.


Digitize and grow.

Given the more challenging and competitive environment, many fund service providers are partnering with regulatory technology firms to help digitize and streamline existing regulatory data workflows, and to reduce complexity too. Moreover through leveraging an automated regulatory data management solution fund service providers can grow and expand their services too.

Choose a regulatory technology partner.

Increased competition for gold-standard data management from fund service providers means that regulatory technology partners are becoming essential to fund servicing teams. In order to meet the regulatory needs of asset and investment managers today regulatory technology has automated data management by design and evolves when needed to comply with the emerging regulations of the future.


Future-proof your business.

A regulatory technology partner assures cutting edge of innovation, future-proofing fund service providers and helping them compete with new entrants and next-generation fund service providers. Partnering with a leading regulatory technology firm enables the growth and scale of fund services offerings. Ultimately, while the fund services industry is likely to grow from strength to strength, there will be clear winners and losers as the fight for scale and market share heats up. As the competition grows, the best regulatory technology can help fund service providers stand apart when it comes to automated data management for their clients’ regulatory requirements.